WOLF HOWL HARMONY from EXILE TRIBE, a rising vocal group from Japan, has released their debut album WOLF on March 12th, featuring their lead single “BAKUON-爆音-” This track, literally translating to "extremely loud sound," embodies the group's mission to carve out a new era for boy groups with maximum volume and energy. WOLF HOWL HARMONY chose "BAKUON" as their album's lead single, aiming to deliver their most powerful and impactful song to date.
'BAKUON -爆音-' distinguishes itself through a blend of global influences. In fact, the song honors one of the members, GHEE, who has a Brazilian heritage as it incorporates elements of Baile Funk. The track also resonates with mainstream energy, yet surprises with unexpected shifts, including a nostalgic 1990s R&B interlude and a sharp, unexpected beat switch. The song strongly contrasts with their previous ballad, "Letters," showcasing WOLF HOWL HARMONY's versatility.
Listen to Wolf