[Exclusive Interview] TAEHWAN and GON of VANNER on Remaking 'All I Want for Christmas is You'

Amidst the twinkling lights and joyous melodies of the holiday season, TAEHWAN and GON of VANNER, have gifted their fans with a special rendition of a beloved classic.

On December 18, the talented duo comprising TAEHWAN and GON unveiled their remake of the iconic holiday anthem, 'All I Want for Christmas is You.'

As VANNER continues to captivate audiences with their musical prowess, this festive release promises to be a heartwarming celebration, inviting fans to revel in the joyous spirit of the season.

In this interview with KpopWise TAEHWAN and GON talk about their winter memories and how it was like to remake a beloved song.

Congratulations on the release of 'All I Want for Christmas is You'! 

How does it feel to be able to remake such an iconic Christmas song? 

TAEHWAN: It was such an honor to be able to remake such a hit song. 

What was it like working as a unit? 

GON: Being the first time working with just the two of us, it was pretty interesting, but it was a good experience to learn that our vocal combinations were pretty good.

Is there a special message you would like to convey to your fans regarding this Christmas song? 

TAEHWAN: Hope this song is like a Christmas present that you can spend with VANNER.

Were there any challenges in remaking such a well-known song, and how did you overcome them?

GON: The original song is such an emotional song that it was hard to express it in our own way, but we tried our best to portray our own style and make it as clean as possible. 

Do you have any personal memories or experiences associated with the original song that influenced your approach to the remake?

TAEHWAN: We had an experience of singing this song in Japan before our debut. So it meant more special remaking this song. 

Do you remember the first time you saw snow?

TAEHWAN: I remember being really excited when I was young because the snow piled up to my knee.

GON: I remember seeing the snow when I was 7 going to kindergarten holding my mom’s hand. 

Do you remember how you felt when you discovered the truth about Santa? How old were you?

TAEHWAN: I believe that Santa still exists. 

GON: I was 9, it was so sad but I took the reality. 

Is there a memorable gift that you received from someone?

TAEHWAN: VVS itself is a present to me.

GON: I feel that ‘chance’ is a great gift given by our fans, making us able to go on stage again. 

What are your goals for 2024? 

TAEHWAN & GON: We hope to make more memories with VVS!

We look forward to hearing about VANNER's next projects for 2024! 

Listen to VANNER on Spotify

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Ciera Reeves

Ciera is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of KpopWise. She has been a fan of Korean pop culture since 2005 and writing about it since 2009. Her bias groups are VIXX and OnlyOneOf. She is a 2nd-3rd generation K-pop fan, but she is actively keeping up with the current artists. twitter instagram

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