“Master in the House” is a South Korean variety show that follows the adventures of Lee Seung Gi, Yang Se Hyung, Kim Dong Hyun, SECHSKIES’s Eun Ji Won, NCT’s Doyoung as they meet different “masters” from various fields. The goal of the show is for its members to learn something new from each master, who are experts in their respective fields. The first season of the show featured interviews with figures such as television personalities, professional cooks, and even Neuroscientists. The second season of “Master in the House” will focus on various trends that will hit 2023. The show will use this as a jumping-off point to explore all kinds of exciting topics, such as culture and lifestyle. It will surely be an exciting journey for both fans and cast members. It remains to be seen how BamBam and Lee Dae Ho will fare in their new roles, and what kind of knowledge and experiences they will take away from this unique variety show.
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