Shelfie of the Week: Anne (@bangtanne_noona)

K-pop fans love the experience of getting a new album, the excitement that comes with the hope of pulling your bias and displaying the album proudly. But what exactly does one do once the album is opened? Our new feature series will showcase those who curate their shelves as works of art. 

So welcome to “Shelfie of the Week,” where I’ll chat with K-pop collectors with the most beautifully curated shelves and share their tips and tricks for displaying their goods. The first collector we talk to is Anne.

What was the first band that got you into K-pop?

Anne: BTS

What was your first Kpop album purchase, and what's your favorite one to date?

Anne: MOTS Persona and My BE signed album.

How many albums do you think you own? Do you have a checklist of the remaining ones to collect?

Anne: I think I have more than 50 at the moment and I am still trying to complete MOTS 7, LY Her, LY Answer, & Wings.

Out of all the albums you have, which would you say has the most aesthetically pleasing packaging?

Anne: I really love the Proof Compact Edition.

Is there a particular piece of merch or a specific album you’re still hoping to purchase?

Anne: I am looking for the older memories but I am in no rush.

How do you like to display all your shelves/albums? What's your favorite part of the process?

Anne: I normally go by colors when I display them on the shelves. I really like when I am done arranging the shelves and things turn out how I imagine them in my head.

Some of your collection shows you getting creative with your Discography guides, where do you get the inspiration to frame them? As for photo cards do you prefer to display or store them away?

Anne: I had a glass frame lying around so I thought of using them and since I have multiple copies of the compact edition I did it. Then I saw someone on Tiktok display it in a bigger frame and I got inspired by her [acknowledged her on my Tiktok post too]. If I am inspired by someone I make sure to credit them. I have some photo cards on display but the rest are in the binders.

For those who want to get creative with displaying their albums, what are the best things to have to start the process? 

Anne: Pinterest is a good place to start for ideas, but I would always add my own touch. I go there when I don’t really have any ideas, but most of the time, I would just start doodling when I am in meetings  Normally ideas would come if I am in a good mood.

Who inspires your decor, and do you have any good tips for keeping shelves organized and aesthetically pretty?


Anne: I like doing things my own way, I just really arrange my stuff on my shelves the way I want them. If I am not satisfied,  would change things around I make sure the shelves are always clean & things are tidy.

Finally, is there anything else you’d like to mention?


Anne: Having a collection requires hard work & money. Spend within your means you don’t have to buy everything that they drop. In terms of taking photos, you do you. Follow your instinct, it’s okay to be inspired by other collectors, but please do credit them, and please don’t copy everything ie- the layout, placements of things, and be creative. Lastly, be kind. 

Be sure to follow Anne over on her Instagram here. Be sure to stick around @KpopWise for more updates on all of your favorite Kpop artists and idols!

Kirsty Bright

A UK freelance writer, who stumbled into the land of Kpop while studying Korean. Her bias groups are BTS and Seventeen, but she loves a range of groups and finding new artists to listen to! Contact on Insta: @kirstybright_

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