KpopWise is the 30th Top Kpop Website! [Updated May 2022]

Right after KpopWise's 2 year anniversary month, KpopWise has reached the 30th spot on Feedspot's Top 70 Kpop Blogs. We first started at 45th back in 2020. Check out the link below and you can even choose to subscribe to a collection of posts from the sites by using your email account. 

Top 70 Kpop Blogs, Websites & Influencers in 2022

The list ranking is based on:
  • Relevancy
  • Industry blogs (those not favoring a specific brand) are given higher rank than blogs by individual brands (who often tend to promote their own products).
  • Blog post frequency (freshness)
  • Social media follower counts and engagements
  • Domain authority
  • Age of a blog
  • Alexa Web Traffic Rank and many other parameters.
We hope to keep growing as a Kpop content source, so please continue to follow along with us. Please follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates about our posts. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel for more fun and interactive videos. Thank you for your engagements! 

- Ciera 

Ciera Reeves

Ciera is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of KpopWise. She has been a fan of Korean pop culture since 2005 and writing about it since 2009. Her bias groups are VIXX and OnlyOneOf. She is a 2nd-3rd generation K-pop fan, but she is actively keeping up with the current artists. twitter instagram

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