Super Rookie Group Y&W Release Debut Single "Walk with Me"

Super Rookie boy group Y&W (Young and Wild) has released their debut single 'Walk with Me' a song which was produced by Korea's fastest known rapper, Outsider. The four members, Woojoo, Minsu, Ino, and Eunjae present harmony with passion and masculine beauty. Please listen to the special story of how they met again and walked down this road together.
Y&W are a "super rookie" group because all four members are not new to music and have previously debuted in groups before. Woojoo debuted in Elvin Crew in 2017 which disbanded the same year.  Minsu debuted in Boys Republic in 2013, the group went on indefinite hiatus in 2018. Ino debuted in INX in 2016, the group had no choice but to abruptly disband in 2017. Eunjae debuted in 14U in 2017, the group unfortunately disbanded in 2019. Surely fans of their previous groups are delighted to see that these guys are continuing music. Check out "Walk with Me" below! 

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Ciera Reeves

Ciera is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of KpopWise. She has been a fan of Korean pop culture since 2005 and writing about it since 2009. Her bias groups are VIXX and OnlyOneOf. She is a 2nd-3rd generation K-pop fan, but she is actively keeping up with the current artists. twitter instagram

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